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How much will it cost?

The TGA has an annual fee to maintain a device on the ARTG as well as a fee for device assessment. 

The annual fees change on or about the 1st of September every year and these are mandatory fees required for you to ensure your device can be sold in Australia.

All device applications attract a TGA application fee.  For current fees see;

Right Time Business Consulting Fees:

Once we have a clear understanding of your requirements and the respective devices to be included on the ARTG, we will give you a complete profile and understand of or working fees and arrangements. 

Please note that we do not act as a sponsor, nor do we import any devices and as such do not have a conflict of interest with any of our client base.

If you are looking for a sponsor in Australia or New Zealand please contact me for a discussion.  There are options we can suggest.  Send email to

Complete confidentiality is assured.